HL: 86-769-8507 7000
Fx: 86-769-8531 3421
Monica: 86-13829137016
Attn.: Ms Monica
Add: Dalang Town,Dongguan City,GD.CN.
Pure Zinc wire Processing Equipment
Drop-barrel machine
First, the technical parameters:

Second, the device description:
The drum machine off by the body, the main drive out, traction part, cable section and the closing line parts. Combination with steel welded steel body, drive with V-belt drive, the power from the motor through V-belt transmission to the traction wheel and capstan. The wire drawing capstan completed thereafter and then reach into the traction wheel cable equipment, cable wire through the wire coiling device in the closing line of the barrel rotates, the wire had finished processing. The device structure is simple, take-part base lifting function can be set to user requirements, to meet the different barrels using the closing lines.
Third, product application
Applicable Product Type: For pure zinc wire and tin zinc alloy wire cask closing line.